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The Pulse Method

The Pulse Method

What is the Pulse Method? This is Dr. Lynch’s method for starting, pausing, or stopping a supplement based on how you’re feeling. Before taking any supplement, and after consulting with your doctor, implement this method. It has helped people reduce side effects, optimize outcomes and save money.

First Let's Define What It Means to Supplement

Supplement literally means “to add to or enhance”. Supplementation is used to "top off" nutrients you already receive daily from eating. It is also a tool to aid the body in supporting balance which can be offset due to poor food quality and lack of essential vitamins and minerals.

Supplementing is one way you can help your body get specific nutrients it might be deficient in. It can be a supportive addition to your busy life but is most beneficial when done intermittently(1).

It should not be an everyday occurrence, except under certain circumstances. Once your system is full of that specific nutrient and performing at optimal levels, then the supplementation should pause, or "pulse."

Keep in mind that what the body needs more of today might be different than what is needed tomorrow. As such, it is important that you tune in to how you are feeling, before, during, and after you supplement.

So What Is Pulsing and How Does It Work?

Pulsing by definition is the regular throbbing of the arteries, created by successive contractions of the heart or the rhythmic recurrence of strokes, vibrations, or undulations(2).

Think of it like waves rolling into the shore in a rising and falling motion.

Pulsing supplementation is like that, undulating the nutrients through your system. Just like the heart speeds up or slows down during times of excitement or relaxation, so should your supplementation regimen.

Pulsing means taking a vitamin when you notice deficiencies or if you feel a benefit from it.

If you feel great, or nutrient sufficient, you may not need to take that supplement on that particular day. Listen to your body and the signs it gives you.

If a supplement has been working wonders and you start to feel better, well then, perfect! You hit your nutrient-sufficient level and you should pulse: Stop taking it until you notice signs of being deficient.

Everyone is different so the amount one person takes could be different than what the next person needs. Again, listen to your body and its symptoms.

When You're Not Feeling Well (Symptoms)

Nutrients are used by thousands of enzymes in your body. If nutrients are deficient, symptoms happen. If you are feeling low, tired or uncommonly bad, that may be a sign that you are deficient in a nutrient needed to live life at your optimal best.  Why does this happen? Enzymes perform specific functions requiring specific nutrients. No nutrients means no function. 

Ideally, start with one supplement. This way, you can truly monitor how it is affecting you. Take note of how you feel before as well as after you take a supplement. 

Some supplements act quickly while others take a week or more to have an effect. If you feel worse from a supplement, it may be because you took too much, too frequently, and/or at the wrong time. Or it is simply the wrong supplement for you.the pulse method graphic

When You Feel Optimal (Symptom Free)

You have taken the supplement and feel significant improvement. Why? You provided the necessary nutrients your enzymes needed. When you wake up the next day, check in with yourself. Has the symptom gone away? If so, that’s great! You don’t need to take the supplement. Your body still has enough of the nutrients that your enzymes require.

The best time to resume your supplementation regimen is when you first notice symptoms again. The amount you take depends on how significant your symptoms are. If your symptoms are mild, take less. If your symptoms are significant, consider taking more.

New Symptoms

In the case of supplementing, it is possible to over-stimulate your system and shock it into a reaction you might not like. It’s like eating a meal. If you eat the right amount, you feel satisfied, but if you eat too much, you feel uncomfortable.

Observe your body's reactions, pay attention to the early signs your body exhibits, and react appropriately.

You are the one in control of your health, listen to your body.

What symptoms are you struggling with? Ideally, you learn what enzymes are associated with creating those symptoms. Then, you introduce nutrients which support those enzymes. 

The question should not be, “what supplement do I need?”

Instead, ask, “what enzyme do I need to support?”

The ‘suggested use’ you see on a supplement label is simply the amount of nutrients contained in one serving. The suggested use may not be the amount that you need to take! Consult with your trusted healthcare provider about what would work best for you.

The amount of a supplement that works well for you one day may be different the very next day. 

Health is constantly in motion! You’ll never figure out “the perfect serving” of a particular supplement because it doesn’t exist. It changes, or it should change if you are listening to your body.

Do you always drink the same amount of water each day?

Do you always eat the same amount of food each day?

Unless specifically prescribed by your healthcare professional, you shouldn't take the same amount of supplement each day either. 

The Pulse Method in Action

You wake up and the flowers are in full bloom. Your nose is running, eyes are itching, and you’re sneezing like crazy. You take 1 serving of HistaminX to support healthy histamine release along with 1 serving of Histamine Nutrients to support healthy histamine breakdown. You notice within a short period of time that your response to the changing seasons is supported. 

The next day, you wake up and hear the rain pouring outside. The air is fresh, you’re not sneezing and your nose is not running. You do not need to take a histamine support supplement right now. 

But let’s say you do anyway…

You take a serving of Histamine Nutrients even though your nose is just fine. Thirty minutes later, you begin feeling tired. This didn’t happen yesterday, what’s going on?

You took too much Histamine Nutrients. Higher histamine levels increase mucus production, sneezing, and itchy eyes. Low histamine levels on the other hand can negatively affect alertness and concentration. 

Know your supplements!

Apply the Pulse Method with every supplement you use. By doing so, you will experience more stability and save money!


(1) Rosner, Bryan, Julie Byers, and Michael Huckleberry. The top 10 Lyme disease treatments: defeat Lyme disease with the best of conventional and alternative medicine. South Lake Tahoe, CA: BioMed Pub. Group, 2007. Https:// 2007. Web. 23 Mar. 2017. (2)

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